Consultation on the offshore renewable energy (ORE) Future Framework Policy Statement

Deadline for submissions –


Consultation overview

The aim of this consultation is to gather stakeholder feedback on aspects of the offshore renewable energy (ORE) Future Framework Policy Statement – an over-arching future framework for development of offshore wind in Ireland’s territorial seawaters and exclusive economic zone. This framework aims to deliver 20GW by 2040; and at least 37 GW in total by 2050.

Do you have thoughts on how Ireland should implement the long-term plan to ORE development? If so, you can take part in our public consultation on the CiviQ online consultation platform between 22 January and 19 February 2024. We are looking for feedback on the draft Future Framework Policy Statement and its associated economic market analysis reports. We are also open to receiving feedback on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) screening process.

We particularly welcome views from ORE industry representatives including electricity suppliers, off takers and likely developers as well as anyone with an interest in the future of ORE development in Ireland.


The draft Future Framework Policy Statement establishes 21 key actions setting out future directions and intergovernmental dependencies that will be addressed through subsequent policies to develop and initiate the long-term, plan-led approach to Ireland’s ORE future.

The Future Framework policy is built on an analysis of economic opportunities to encourage investment and explores export potential for surplus electricity, energy, and green products and services specifically through increased interconnection and renewable hydrogen. Pathways have been identified to optimise the financial and economic return to the State and local communities, including financial mechanisms and job creation opportunities.

The Phase Two Policy Statement adopted by Government in March 2023 provides for a plan-led, centralised approach to future ORE delivery in Ireland. The final phase of offshore wind deployment is referred to as the Future Framework, which builds on previous ORE policy both published and in development and is informed by all previous public consultation carried out by DECC.

The Future Framework is key to:

  • Decarbonising our economy in line with legally binding national targets and international climate ambitions
  • Ensuring long-term energy security
  • Developing green industrial opportunities for ORE such as export markets

The Future Framework policy statement is informed by economic analysis including a recent set of reports commissioned by DECC and provided by AFRY Managing Consultants and BVG Associates. The commissioned economic market analysis was conducted to assess the viability of ORE targets and potential export opportunities. External consultants AFRY and BVG Associates produced five reports focused on the following workstreams:

  • WS1 – Market Analysis: create relevant power market scenarios with varying ORE capacity and interconnection targets for elaboration in subsequent workstreams
  • WS2 – Interconnection: assess the technical and financial viability of electricity export via interconnection predominantly to France, the UK, and other northern European countries
  • WS3 – Renewable hydrogen: analyse the potential hydrogen future in Ireland including maximising cost-competitiveness
  • WS4 – Export viability: evaluate the export viability and implications in terms of Gross Value Added and employment benefits as well as policy, trade, and investment considerations
  • WS5 – Societal return: provide commentary on the financial and economic return to the State and local communities including recommended regulatory mechanisms

How to make a submission

You can take part in our public consultation on the CiviQ online consultation platform.

Focus questions are included throughout the draft Future Framework Policy Statement and collated at the end of the document. Respondents are encouraged to consider these questions as well as any additional feedback on the Future Framework and/or the economic and environmental reports.

The closing date for submissions is 5.30pm 19 February 2024

Submissions should be made online, by email [email protected] or by post to:

Future Framework consultation

Offshore Environment and Future Development

Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications

29-31 Adelaide Road

Dublin 2

D02 X285

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