Understanding Your Purpose – How to Write & Update Your Group’s Constitution

Thursday 21 March 2024 7-9 pm via Zoom 

This 2-hour session will provide participants with an informative and practical opportunity to explore how to create a community or voluntary organisation’s constitution. This training session is a collaboration between DLR PPN and Dublin City PPN. Here’s a breakdown of what the session aims to cover:

  1. Navigating the Constitutional Revision Process:
    • Gain insights on how to navigate the constitutional revision process.
    • Ensure alignment with the organisation’s evolving needs and aspirations.
  2. Practical Tips on Language Clarity, Inclusivity, and Legal Compliance:
    • Provide practical tips for ensuring clarity in language within the constitution.
    • Emphasize the importance of inclusivity in the language used.
    • Highlight key legal compliance considerations during the revision process.
  3. Importance of the Constitution:
    • Emphasize the constitution’s vital role in defining the purpose and activities of the organization.
    • Stress its significance in outlining the main roles within the leadership structure.
  4. Relevance for Funding and Support:
    • Explain that an up-to-date, relevant constitution is increasingly becoming a requirement for applying for funding or receiving other important supports.
  5. Exploration of the Constitution:
    • Explore the role of the constitution in reflecting the organization’s values, mission, and goals.
    • Understand the organization’s purpose and how it should be clearly defined in the constitution.
  6. Identification of Key Areas for Improvement:
    • Provide guidance on identifying key areas within the constitution that may need improvement.
    • Encourage a comprehensive appraisal of the existing constitution.
  7. Crafting a Comprehensive Appraisal:
    • Offer practical steps on how to craft a comprehensive appraisal of the constitution.
    • Ensure that the appraisal reflects the organization’s values, mission, and goals effectively.

Overall, the session aims to empower participants with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the constitutional revision process successfully, emphasising the importance of clarity, inclusivity, and legal compliance. The practical tips and insights provided should assist participants in creating or updating their community or voluntary organization’s constitution to meet current needs and align with their mission and goals. Participants will gain valuable insights on navigating the constitutional revision process to ensure alignment with the organisation’s evolving needs and aspirations.  Practical tips on language clarity, inclusivity, and legal compliance will be provided. 


Training Details:
Training Date:
March 21, 2024 @ 7:00 pm
2 hours

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